Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Big Is Your God?... from Sunday's (8-28-11) message!

1. The real answer to that may lie in how big a role He plays in your life minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

2. If you can see God as big enough to make a universe, Surely He is also big enough to be worth offering Him your body as a living sacrifice.

3. If your can see him as big enough to put the stars in place, is he not also big enough to save your lost loved ones? 

4. If you can see Him as big enough to lead Israel out of Egypt’s bondage, is He not also big enough to set you free from whatever it is that binds you and saps your victory? 

5. If you can see Him as big enough to fill you with the Holy Spirit then can you not also see Him as big enough to work His spiritual gifts through you?

6. If you can see God as big enough to be due lip service of praise and glory is He not also big enough to be worthy of your total commitment?

7. If God is big enough to hear and accept the vow you made when he saved you and you made him Lord of your Life; is he not also big enough to expect you to keep your promise?

God is just as big as you think he is. Your thinking will not change his size but it will change your life. That change will happen in proportion to what you think about him. That is what determines what you will do with him. 

Remember the only one who can put limits on God is you! If you can find a scripture to stand on, a promise to hold on to, God will never fail you. The only variable is with you. Search out the scriptures!!! Find God’s promises for you!!! Then Believe God no matter what the circumstances may say?

How big is God to you?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Life...

Thursday, August 4th I will be celebrating 27 fabulous years of marriage with my best friend!   I remember when Dave and I were dating and planning our wedding we were confronted by many people who "kindly" expressed that it probably wasn't a great idea.   Dave had a rough past, but rededicated his life to the Lord and God allowed me to see the new man he now was.  I'm so glad I learned to listen to God and not man!   I will be the first to admit that I am one spoiled wife!!!  This dear man is definitely the representation of Ephesians 5:25 and his love and passion for Christ pours over onto how he loves and takes care of me!  Happy Anniversary, baby... I look forward to many more years together!

When we decided to start a family, I went to the girly doc for my yearly check up, only to find out I had developed a cyst on my ovary and he started talking the hysterectomy surgery!!!   I was devastated to say the least and began crying out to God.   We began attending church at Life Christian Center in St. Louis and it was there that I was prayed for and received a miracle from God.   When I went back to doctor and they did another ultrasound, the results proved no sign of a cyst and God proved Himself to be the great physician! 

My Miracles...

My daughter, Sarah and her husband, David
 My twin daughter, Esther with her husband, Ben and their daughter, Maisie
 My other twin daughter, Rachel with her husband Brice and son, Shawn
My son, Caleb with his girlfriend, Cami!

My family mean the world to me and inspire me daily.   My children all love God passionately & Dave and I are privileged to have them all ministering with us in our church. 
My Grammy Awards....   Maisie and Shawn

 I'm so in love with these precious babies!   If you decide to follow this blog, I'm sure plenty of opportunities will come to view photos of my sweeties!   I love this season of my life and feel so blessed with such amazing kids and adorable grandkids!

That wraps up the introductions to my growing family.   
Until next time...